Employment Termination Security Guards

During High-Risk Employee Terminations

The decision to let any of your employees go is never an easy one. And in today’s business world, workplace tensions can run high if you are forced to do it one way or another. In such scenarios, you have to be extra careful especially when you are going to terminate a potentially high-risk employee. The fallout from a termination, if handled poorly, can have a devastating effect on your team’s morale, your company’s reputation and may even lead you to legal issues and repercussions. Even worse, there is even a risk of access to firearms and active shooting issues when terminated employees are not able to absorb the news.

That is where OPS Security. comes in to make sure that you and your business remain safe and secure during high-risk termination scenarios. Our team, with their outstanding experience in top-notch , will help you determine if that employee is a high-risk personnel, will complete background checks and then provide you with a comprehensive plan to go ahead with the termination process without any security issues.

Signs Your Employee Termination May Be A High-Risk Security Issue

While no one wants to think about those worst-case scenarios, you still have to be prepared for them at all times. We have all seen the headlines about workplace violence caused by some disgruntled employees and as an unfortunate truth, such incidents are getting quite common now.

So how would you maintain your company’s grace and your integrity as an employer? By having OPS Security keep your office environment safe and help you find the best course of action for .

How do you identify a potentially high-risk termination?

Here are a few things you can watch out for in an employee before you approach and start a termination process to confirm if anything could potentially go wrong:

  • A history of aggression: If the employee is involved in verbal threats, physical altercations or has tried to intimidate his colleagues or management, the termination could be a high risk issue.
  • Sudden behavioral changes: No matter how reliable, if your employee has become increasingly withdrawn or confrontational, he might be struggling with personal issues which could spill over into the workplace and cause his termination process to be a problematic one.
  • Fixation on grievances: If your employee keeps grudges, blames others for their shortcomings or expresses extreme dissatisfaction with the company, their termination may not be a smooth process at all.

However, just keep in mind that all such characteristics do not necessarily mean that your employee will create a fuss about their termination or resort to workplace violence but just as a precaution, you should be aware of the risks such individuals may carry around and become an issue after being terminated.

For such scenarios, having an experienced security team will provide a safe environment for your business and your employees and clients to carry out their duties and functions as usual. To give you that peace of mind, OPS Security. has a highly qualified team and offers a comprehensive suite of services that will eventually help and support you through a high-risk termination and mitigate any security risks.

Here Are Key Considerations for a Safe and Secure Termination Process

When a potentially violent employee needs to be terminated, everyone involved should deal with the process with careful planning and sensitivity. At OPS Security., we understand such challenges that HR professionals in your business have to face in such situations. Our 20 years of experience have taught us a lot about how to make sure such high-risk terminations go ahead safely and securely.

Here are some of the key factors you should consider during such a termination process:

Location & Security:

  • Where will the termination take place?

Where will you pass on the sad news? In a private office, which is more suitable for a reasonable and calmer conversation or an open area where the tension may not go high enough to cause any problems for either of the parties and your business?

Choose a location based on the employee’s personality and the risks they pose during the process.

  • What kind of security presence is needed?

With us, you don’t have to worry about the security issues. Our officers will position themselves in a discreet way to make sure they are visibly present in or around the meeting area to deter any violent activities. As per the requirements, our officers will keep themselves armed or unarmed and be in uniforms or plain clothes.

Timing and Departure:

  • Will the employee be asked to leave immediately? 

If that’s the case, it’s wise to have an escort nearby who can make sure that the employee exits the area in a smooth and controlled manner. This will help you prevent any potential conflicts and keep your company property safe while giving your employee a chance to collect their belongings with dignity.

Past Behavior and Potential Threats:

  • Have there been any previous threats? 

If the employee you have chosen to terminate has a history of making threats towards any colleagues or the company, you have to take them seriously. We can help you mitigate all such threats and provide a security detail after the termination to make sure everyone stays safe and there are no security issues afterward.

Managing Expectations:

  • Is the termination expected or unexpected? 

Both scenarios have their own set of unique challenges. An employee who sees it coming might have some time to plan a disruptive response. On the other hand, an unexpected termination could trigger an immediate, emotional reaction in them.

In both of these circumstances, a calm and professional security presence will enable you to de-escalate tension and prevent a difficult situation from getting out of control in those tense moments.

Why Is It Important To Protect Your Business During Employee Termination

Workplace violence has now become an unfortunate reality. For you and your business, taking steps to keep everyone and everything safe during a high-risk termination is no longer optional – it’s now become essential.

Here’s how a poorly handled termination can affect your company:

  • Employee Morale: Other employees will witness that volatile termination and this can unsettle them deeply which will result in decreasing their trust in you and create an environment of fear.
  • Client Confidence: Such rouge incidents can quickly become disruptive and can eventually damage your company’s reputation and make clients think twice about doing business with you. Not an option for your business, right?
  • Legal Ramifications: Appropriate security measures will always help you stay safe and far away from lawsuits and financial losses.

Don’t Wait for a Crisis – Partner with the Best

OPS Security, Inc. is your trusted partner when it comes to handling the complexities of a high-risk employee termination. With us, you will get the experience, expertise and discretion you need to protect your business, your employees and your peace of mind.

So if you are ready to create a security plan that will prioritize your safety and minimize your business risks, it is time to contact OPS Security for a detailed and fair consultation. Our team is standing by to discuss your specific needs and develop a customized solution for your  so that your business can keep growing without any security disruptions at all.

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